How to quickly find the differences between two Dialogflow agent ZIP files

Managing Large Dialogflow ES Bots I have built a tool to help you do this. Steps Go to the Unpack agent ZIP file tool in BotFlo (you must be logged in to use the tool). Suppose you want to find the difference between an older version of your Dialogflow agent and the current version. First…

Automatically extract Dialogflow intents from chat logs

Managing Large Dialogflow ES Bots In this article I provide some ideas on how you can automatically extract Dialogflow intents from chat logs. An example dialog dataset I took this example dataset where people called in to customer support at a telecommunications company (the dataset already has redacted personal and other identifying information). This is…

How to quickly convert an FAQ page into a Dialogflow ES bot

Managing Large Dialogflow ES Bots In this article, I will explain how you can quickly turn an FAQ page into a Dialogflow chatbot. Let us consider this example page which has an FAQ for Shopify payments. This would be a one-and-done FAQ chatbot. That is, usually, you do not expect follow up questions referencing the…

How to bulk upload intents in Dialogflow ES

Managing Large Dialogflow ES Bots This article explains how you can bulk upload intents in Dialogflow ES. Dissecting the Dialogflow agent ZIP file I recently built an app which lets you do full text search across all your Dialogflow intents, as well as filter on input and output contexts. In the process, I needed to get…

Dialogflow ES Knowledge Connector

Managing Large Dialogflow ES Bots This article provides an overview of the Dialogflow ES Knowledge Connector. How to create a Knowledge Connector bot based on your WordPress website These are the steps to create a knowledge connector bot in Dialogflow. Install the Export all URLs plugin First install export all URLs plugin. Download the URLs…

04 The easiest way to migrate your Dialogflow ES bot to Dialogflow CX

Dialogflow ES vs Dialogflow CX I recently migrated a Dialogflow ES bot on my website to Dialogflow CX. You can interact with the CX bot – it is the demo bot on my website at the moment. I also checked out the migration guide from Google, and noticed that a) it would be too hard…

02 Dialogflow CX Messenger vs Legacy Dialogflow ES Messenger

Dialogflow ES vs Dialogflow CX Dialogflow has recently released a new version of the Dialogflow Messenger integration which allows you to add a CX chatbot to your website. I will call this Dialogflow CX Messenger, while I will refer to the previous version as Dialogflow ES Messenger. Note: these are both terms that I have…