What is the “Tag” field in a Dialogflow CX webhook?

I got this question from a student

I want to create a wehbook for my bot. I followed your instructions from https://botflo.com/how-to-debug-dialogflow-python-webhook-using-ngrok/ and completed all of the stages.However, step 14 differs from the tutorial. I have a “Tag” to fill and I’m not sure what to place in there.

The “Tag” field is similar to the Action field in Dialogflow ES.

When you have multiple intents which are handled by a webhook in ES, the Action field is used to branch the code logic.

You can see an example of this in the Python webhook tutorial.

In the same way you can use the “Tag” field to tell your webhook what code logic it should run.

What should you use in the “Tag” field?

I suggest using some value which represents the Intent Transition Route.

About this website

I created this website to provide training and tools for non-programmers who are building Dialogflow chatbots.

I have now changed my focus to Vertex AI Search, which I think is a natural evolution from chatbots.


BotFlo was previously called MiningBusinessData. That is why you see that watermark in many of my previous videos.

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