Course Updates

I have made a lot of updates to my courses recently.

I have merged multiple smaller courses into larger ones.

I merged a bunch of mini-courses into a single course called Dialogflow ES Mini Courses

I merged the no-code courses – Dialogflow Building Blocks, Dialogflow Conversation Design, Dialogflow Blackholes and Dialogflow Flowcharts – into a single course called Intro to Dialogflow ES

I merged three courses which need coding – Dialogflow Sessions, Dialogflow Webhooks and Dialogflow REST API v2 – into a single course called Programming Dialogflow ES

Old CourseNew CourseFeedback about old course
Dialogflow Building BlocksMerged into Intro to Dialogflow ES“This course provides a great insight for non-programmers. Its easy to follow and allows a non-programmer to understand how Dialogflow can be used. It was easy to follow and work through on my own. I had a few outstanding questions, Answers were provided via consultation – all really easy to follow and clear.”
Dialogflow Conversation DesignMerged into Intro to Dialogflow ES“This is a great course for anyone who is interested in Conversation Design. It is easy to understand, Aravind does a great job in explaining best practices and tips to make human-centred conversations through Dialogflow. Will recommend to my friends and colleagues.”
Dialogflow BlackholesMerged into Intro to Dialogflow ES“I found individual courses like Dialogflow Blackholes was worth the price of the entire bundle.”
Dialogflow FlowchartsMerged into Intro to Dialogflow ES“Take the time to learn the workflow/concepts he presents in his flowcharting tutorial. (This workflow is far superior to the approach suggested in the official DialogFlow documentation.) Using Aravind’s flowcharting approach you’ll be amazed at how quickly a functional prototype can be put together.”
Dialogflow SessionsMerged into Programming Dialogflow ES“I found that it was very important to comprehend the concept of sessions as they relate to context flow and separation of unique conversations. As with all your courses, I enjoyed the fact that you can quickly juggle back and forth from your examples to the corresponding DialogFlow panels. You teach by repetition at a pace that is reinforcing, rather than monotonous.”
Dialogflow WebhooksMerged into Programming Dialogflow ES“The video was just what I needed to understand how to take control with webhook responses regarding input and output contexts. I did not understand the concepts before carefully watching this tutorial and what can I say – the lights came on. Well described and now I can implement this feature.”
Dialogflow REST API v2Merged into Programming Dialogflow ES“The course is targeting programmers, but as a non programmer who works with programmers this course is perfect… it provides an overview, well explained concepts and frameworks, and not too technical to follow. As with all other courses on MBD, I find it easy to follow and understand.”
Dialogflow CSV ImporterUpdated to Dialogflow ES FAQ Chatbots “As a non-technical user, entering content in Dialogflow was repetitive and time-consuming at best. Lather, rinse, repeat…and repeat….and repeat. Aravind’s CSV importer is a game changer. With it, you can build and store your core content in a spreadsheet or table where it is easily updated and reviewed in a commonly viewed interface. Then, when you’re ready, you can batch update or import the entire thing – saving you tons of time!”
Core DialogflowUpdated to Learn Dialogflow ES“I am going thru your course bundle. It is far and away better than anything else I have used for dialogflow training. This assessment comes from someone who taught at the University of Illinois for 30 years and started a online masters degree.”
Dialogflow Messenger QuickstartUpdated to Dialogflow Messenger Example Bots“Dialogflow Messenger Quickstart gave us everything we needed to build out the ChatBot conversation we needed for our informational ChatBots. Dialogflow Messenger console is a tremendous but we had difficulty finding the details for how to use it correctly and Aarvind provided us with everything we needed in the Dialogflow Messenger Quickstart. If we had started with the course in the first place, we would have avoided burning up several days of fruitless research and efforts.”
Flowchart WalkthroughMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Dialogflow Regexp EntityMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Dialogflow Agent ValidationMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Dialogflow and WordPressMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Dialogflow DontsMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Dialogflow Integrations 101Merged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Why Choose DialogflowMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Dialogflow Must Know FeaturesMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Dissecting Dialogflow Intent MappingMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Webhooks 101Merged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Understanding Slot FillingMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Intro to NLUMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Speech to Text Tips for Voice BotsMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Firebase 101 for DialogflowMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Rapid Dialogflow ES PrototypingMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Dialogflow Example BotsMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Understanding Dialogflow TrainingMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Flowchart to ChatbotMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Before you build your botMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Managing Large Dialogflow ES botsDeleted
Dialogflow Automation BundleSeparated into 4 individual courses
MBD ArchiveDeleted
Example Website ChatbotsMerged into Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Dialogflow Website ChatbotsDeleted
Dialogflow ES Agent ZIP FilesDeleted
How to learn programmingDeleted
Rich Webchat using Dialogflow API v1Deleted
Rich Webchat CSV ImporterDeleted
Dialogflow Discussion GroupDeleted
Dialogflow Crash CourseUpdated to Dialogflow ES Mini Courses
Better Dialogflow BotsUpdated to Dialogflow ES Mini Courses

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