04 The easiest way to migrate your Dialogflow ES bot to Dialogflow CX

Dialogflow ES vs Dialogflow CX I recently migrated a Dialogflow ES bot on my website to Dialogflow CX. You can interact with the CX bot – it is the demo bot on my website at the moment. I also checked out the migration guide from Google, and noticed that a) it would be too hard…

02 Dialogflow CX Messenger vs Legacy Dialogflow ES Messenger

Dialogflow ES vs Dialogflow CX Dialogflow has recently released a new version of the Dialogflow Messenger integration which allows you to add a CX chatbot to your website. I will call this Dialogflow CX Messenger, while I will refer to the previous version as Dialogflow ES Messenger. Note: these are both terms that I have…

01 Dialogflow CX vs Dialogflow ES Feature Comparison

Dialogflow ES vs Dialogflow CX Dialogflow CX is much more powerful than Dialogflow ES if you would like to design multi-turn conversation flows. This is possible because Dialogflow CX has been designed from the ground up to design your conversation flow as a state machine. In fact, I think the word “transition” in the phrase…