
Dialogflow ES Messenger for Non-Programmers



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Course Overview

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This course explains the basics of building Dialogflow ES Messenger bots.

While there is a small amount of code in this course (Python webhook for rich responses), the Dialogflow ES Messenger integration does not require much more than basic HTML skills and is fairly straight-forward for non-programmers after they watch the vides in this course.

Course Content

  • Embed Dialogflow Messenger into your website
    • Getting started with Dialogflow Messenger

    • Embed chat widget into your website

    • Have your bot initiate the conversation

    • Multiple messages per conversation turn

  • HTML and CSS customizations
    • Dialogflow Messenger HTML and CSS customizations

    • HTML Customizations - Required Attributes

    • HTML customizations - optional attributes

    • Intent Attribute

    • Intent Attribute Scenarios

    • Session ID Attribute Part 1

    • Session ID Attribute Part 2

    • User ID Attribute

    • CSS customizations

  • Rich Responses
    • Description Type

    • Info Type

    • Button Type

    • Image Type

    • Suggestion Chip Type

    • List Type

    • Accordion Type

  • Python Webhook
    • Python Webhook Tutorial

    • Understanding the Custom Payload Part 1

    • Understanding the Custom Payload Part 2

    • Understanding the Custom Payload Part 3

    • Trigger the static response

    • Get response object from history

    • Send rich response from webhook

  • Lessons 27
  • Skill Beginner
  • Last Update June 26, 2024