How to create clickable buttons which trigger an intent in Dialogflow Messenger

Dialogflow Messenger How To The terminology that Dialogflow Messenger uses is very confusing, but unfortunately it is probably a bit too late for the Google folks and go and update it now. So I have created an article which provides a step-by-step explanation on how to do this. 1 Dialogflow Messenger “buttons” do not behave…

How to use the Dialogflow Messenger df-response-received event

Dialogflow Messenger How To I got this question on my YouTube channel recently: Hi, thanks for sharing this video! i have a question: – how i use Events JavaScript from dialogflow messenger (df-request-sent & df-response-received) I used the df-response-received event as part of my Dialogflow CX bot which helps you choose between ES, CX and…

How to send rich response from Python webhook to Dialogflow Messenger

Dialogflow Messenger How To In this post I will explain how to send rich responses from your webhook code to Dialogflow Messenger. I will explain the steps for the Description rich response type, and you should be able to follow the same steps and do it for the other rich response types. Let us start…

Customizing the CSS of Dialogflow Messenger by manipulating the shadow DOM

Dialogflow Messenger How To I get this type of question quite often on my YouTube channel. Someone wants to customize the look and feel of the Dialogflow Messenger more than what is currently supported (which isn’t a lot). There is a specific answer in StackOverflow on how to customize the icon position in Dialogflow Messenger….

How to build better Dialogflow Messenger bots using these four obscure features

Dialogflow Messenger How To In this article, I will show you 4 features in Dialogflow Messenger which are somewhat obscure – in the sense that many people use the Dialogflow Messenger integration without really learning about them. And in my experience, almost no one knows ALL four of them. 1 Clicked suggestion chips are recognized…