06 Translate the flowchart into Dialogflow ES agent

Dialogflow Flowcharts I made some updates to the flowchart from the last part Let us translate the first intent – 1 identify.vertebrate You copy the intent name, obviously. Then check the input and output contexts. This intent has no input contexts, and it has an output context called await_has_fur. The user training phrase will be…

05 Add intent names

Dialogflow Flowcharts Once we generate the conversation script and add the context names, we need to add suitable intent names to these intents. You can see that these intent and context names follow the naming conventions that I suggest. Note: as you can see from the flowchart, the rounded rectangle represents an intent Once you…

02 Why Mindomo is the best tool for creating a Dialogflow flowchart

Dialogflow Flowcharts Here is why I recommend Mindomo as the best tool for creating Dialogflow flowcharts – it provides all the features you need to design your flowchart, and you can get your first 3 maps for free. I have compiled a list based on this article Features draw.io XMind desktop Mindomo Multiline nodes Yes…