Naming conventions for Dialogflow ES intents and contexts

Do you capture user input in your chatbot? For example, do you ask them to provide their name, or email, or other information? I have recently started using the following convention in the bots I am building (as well as advising on). Suppose you have an intent which should get user’s email address. You can,…

How to collect user input without follow up intents in Dialogflow ES

Sometimes I see questions like these in the Dialogflow forum. So, I got one intent working. How can I now “move” the conversation to the next intent? Answer In Intent1, declare an output context called contextA. In the next intent you want to fire, use contextA as the input context. You have now chained Intent1 and Intent2 using contextA. Is…

How to use follow up intents to collect user input in Dialogflow ES

In this article, I will explain how to use follow up intents to collect user input in Dialogflow ES. Let us take the example of a simple lead capture chatbot. It captures the details of visitors who are interested in adding a chatbot to their website. We would like to get the following inputs: Here is how…

How to export and import Dialogflow ES agent ZIP file

Dialogflow ES provides the option to export your entire Dialogflow ES agent as a ZIP file. How to Export Dialogflow ES agent Go to Settings by clicking on the Gear icon next to the name of the agent. Choose “Export and Import” tab and click on the “Export as ZIP” button to export the agent…